
Built to Last


Book Summary :

“Built to Last” explores the characteristics and practices of companies that have sustained long-term success and made a lasting impact on their industries. Drawing on six years of research, Collins and Porras identify common traits shared by visionary companies and offer insights into how these companies cultivate enduring success. The book presents a framework for understanding the core principles and values that drive visionary companies to outperform their competitors and thrive over time.


Why Should You Read It ?

  • Clock Building, Not Time Telling: The authors introduce the concept of “clock building” as a metaphor for the visionary approach to leadership and organizational development. Visionary companies focus on building enduring institutions that transcend individual leaders and endure for generations, rather than relying on short-term strategies or charismatic leadership. They prioritize long-term sustainability and invest in building a strong organizational culture and infrastructure.
  • BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals): Collins and Porras highlight the importance of setting ambitious and inspiring goals that stretch the organization’s capabilities and foster innovation. Visionary companies embrace BHAGs – bold and compelling objectives that galvanize employees and guide strategic decision-making. BHAGs serve as a rallying point for organizational alignment and fuel the pursuit of excellence over the long term.
  • Preserve the Core, Stimulate Progress: The book emphasizes the need for visionary companies to maintain a strong core ideology while simultaneously adapting to changing external circumstances. Visionary companies uphold a set of core values and purpose that remain constant over time, providing a sense of identity and guiding principles. At the same time, they encourage experimentation and innovation to drive progress and stay ahead of the curve in a dynamic business environment.
  • Cultivate Cult-Like Cultures: Collins and Porras explore the importance of building strong organizational cultures that inspire passion, loyalty, and commitment among employees. Visionary companies foster a sense of belonging and shared purpose, creating a “cult-like” environment where employees are deeply engaged and emotionally invested in the company’s success. This strong culture serves as a competitive advantage and enables visionary companies to attract and retain top talent.

Overall, “Built to Last” offers valuable lessons and timeless wisdom for leaders and entrepreneurs seeking to build enduring and impactful organizations. Whether you’re a business executive, entrepreneur, or aspiring leader, this book provides invaluable insights into the habits and practices of visionary companies that stand the test of time.


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